Fashion Designer + Educator

 Color Stories by Stacia

Curated color stories built on fashion, art, home and life | A designer tool for concept creation and inspiration | Chicago | NYC

Pipsqueak Was Here!


Fellow Chicagoans, make sure to check out 'It's all wrong, it’s allright' at Vertical Gallery open through Oct 24th!⁠
🎨: @pipsqueakwashere via @verticalgallery ⁠

"Children are the protagonists of most of the tales Pipsqueak was here!!! tell, and 'It's All wrong, it’s Allright...' is no exception. Many of these works feature their trademark 'Pipsqueak Girl' __ a tough but tender figure whose future hinges on whether humanity finally accepts responsibility for protecting the planet from further damage and neglect."⁠

ArtStacia FarrarBlack, Green, Pink, Blue, Peach