Fashion Designer + Educator

 Color Stories by Stacia

Curated color stories built on fashion, art, home and life | A designer tool for concept creation and inspiration | Chicago | NYC

Titus Kaphar

The color palettes created in the works of Titus Kaphar are extraordinary, but it is the meaning behind his work and his personal art journey that moves me to tears. I urge you to watch his TED talk at the link in bio (only 12 mins) which dives into some tough questions about art history and Black representation. ⁠⠀
Kaphar painted the portrait that appears on the cover of this week’s TIME accompanied by some very powerful words (swipe to see/read). ⁠⠀
🎨 Series: Titus Kaphar “From a Tropical Space” (2019-) 🎨(2): “The Distance Between What We Have and What We Want” 2019⁠⠀